
Newborn/Baby/Child/Family Photography

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kelley Ryden and Tracy Raven Workshop

I returned from Kelley Ryden and Tracy Raver's (www.kelleyryden.com, www.tracyraver.com) fabulous workshop late Sunday night.  It was so amazing!  For a new photographer, this was a once in a lifetime experience.  I learned everything from camera technique to lighting and not to mention baby posing!  I am hoping to get a little assistance on the photoshop front to finish the photos before posting. Here are a couple of my favorites.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Amy Raub Photography

So, I guess I am trying to get into the new millenium with blogging. I just started amyraub.com, my site for Amy Raub Photography! I am very nervous, but very excited. This is something I have wanted since I was a little girl. I know I have a LOT to learn and a lot of creativity to uncover, but I look forward to working with my friends, family and new friends on this journey!

Please visit soon!